Curriculum Vitae (Spanish)
Cecilia Vicuña
Nacida en Santiago, Chile 1948 Reside en Nueva York, NY
1973 Slade School of Fine Art, University College London, Londres, Great Bretaña
1971 Estudió Pedagogía en Artes Plásticas en la Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Chile, Santiago
Honores y Distinciones
2023 Premio Nacional de las Artes del Ministerio de las Culturas, Chile. Miembro honorario extranjero de la Academia de las Artes y las Letras de Estados Unidos. Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Chile, Chile.
2022 Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement, Venice Biennale, Venicia, Italia.
2020 Cecilia Vicuña is on our mind, Wattis Arts Institute, California College of Arts, Berkeley, CA. Jack Wolgin Annual Visiting Artist, Tyler, Art & Architecture, Temple University, Filadelfia, PA.
2019 Premio Velázquez de Artes Plásticas del Ministerio de Cultura, España. Herb Alpert Award in the Arts, Santa Monica, CA.
2018 Premio a la Trayectoria de la Fundación Cisneros Fontanals, CIFO Museo de Arte de la Universidad de Princeton. Artista internacional residente Sarah Lee Elson, Princeton, NJ.
2017 Invitada a documenta 14, Atenas, Grecia y Kassel, Alemania.
2015 Messenger Lecturer, Cornell University.
2014 SLAS Spring 2014 Scholar in Residence, Pratt Institute, Nueva York, NY.
2013 Segundo Premio PEN 2013 al mejor libro de poesía en traducción al inglés por su libro Spit Temple, Selected Performances of Cecilia Vicuña, edited by Rosa Alcalá.
2011 Sello de Excelencia, Consejo de las Artes y la Cultura de Chile. Premio Fondart (Cultura Inmaterial) por su proyecto "Tugar Tugar Salir a Buscar el Sentido Perdido", en Caleu, Chile.
2009 Estelle Lebowitz Visiting Artist in Residence, Rutgers University, Nueva Brunswick, NJ.
2005 Phipps Chair in Contemporary Poetry, University of Denver, CO.
2004 MacDowell Colony Fellowship, Peterborough, NH.
2003 The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Residency, Lago de Como, Italia.
2002 Hedda Sterne Foundation Residency, Springs, NY. Pennies from Heaven Fund Award, Community Trust of Nueva York, NY.
2001 Valparaiso Foundation Residency, Mojacar, España.
1999 The Anonymous Was a Woman Award, Nueva York, NY.
1997 The Andy Warhol Foundation Award, Nueva York, NY.
1996 The Fund for Poetry Award, Nueva York, NY. Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, Nueva York, NY.
1992 Arts International Award, Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Fund, Nueva York, NY.
1988 Invitadaa The Art Olympiad, Seúl, Museo Guggenheim de Nueva York, declinó.
1985 Human Rights Exile Award, Fund for Free Expression, Nueva York, NY.
1983 LINE II Award para el libro Precario/Precarious, Nueva York.
1972 British Council Scholarship, Londres, Reino Unido.
Selección de Exposiciones Individualses
2023 Cecilia Vicuña en Londres, 1972 y hoy, Lehmann Maupin, Londres. Cecilia Vicuña: Soñar el agua, Retrospectiva del futuro, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile. Cecilia Vicuña: Quipu Poema Films, Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, Santiago, Chile. Cecilia Vicuña: Flower World Quipu, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tucson, AZ.
2022 Cecilia Vicuña: Veroir el fracaso iluminado, Museo de Arte Miguel Urrutia (MAMU), Bogotá. Cecilia Vicuña: Spin Spin Triangulene, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Nueva York, NY. Cecilia Vicuña, Lehmann Maupin, Nueva York. Cecilia Vicuña: Brain Forest Quipu, Sala de Turbinas, Comisión Hyundai, Tate Modern, Londres, Reino Unido. Hyundai Commission: Cecilia Vicuña, Tate Modern, Londres, Reino Unido.
2021 Cecilia Vicuña: Seehearing the Enlightened Failure, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M), Madrid, España. Quipu Girok, Lehmann Maupin, Seúl, Corea del Sur.
2020 Cecilia Vicuña: Veroir el fracaso iluminado, MUAC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Ciudad de México, México. Cecilia Vicuña: Seehearing the Enlightened Failure, Museo de Arte Miguel Urrutia, Bogotá, Colombia. Cecilia Vicuña is on our mind, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, CA.
2019 Minga del Cielo Oscuro, Centro Cultural de España, CCE, Santiago, Chile. Cecilia Vicuña, Lo Precario, The Wexner Arts Center, Columbus, OH.
2018 Cecilia Vicuña: PALABRARmas, Neubauer Collegium, Universidad de Chicago, Chicago, IL. Cecilia Vicuña: La India Contaminada, Lehmann Maupin, Nueva York, NY. Quipu Desaparecido, Brooklyn Museum, Nueva York y Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, MA. Cecilia Vicuña: Seehearing the Enlightened Failure, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Róterdam, Países Bajos. Muestra retrospectiva se exhibió en Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M), Madrid (2019) con título en español: Veroír el Fracaso Iluminado: se expuso en MUAC, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico (2021); y en Museo de Arte Miguel Urrutia (MAMU), Banco de la República, Bogotá, Colombia (2022).
2017 Cecilia Vicuña: About to Happen, Contemporary Arts Center, Nuevo Orleans, LA. Muestra investigativa. Se expuso en Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA), Berkeley, CA (2018); a Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, WA; Institute of Contemporary Art, Filadelfia, PA (2019); Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami, FL, (2019).
2015 NO QUIPU, NO BOOK, Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee, WI. Cecilia Vicuña, The Origin of Weaving, Poetry Foundation, Chicago, IL
2014 Artists for Democracy: El Archivo de Cecilia Vicuña, Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Santiago, Chile; Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile.
2013 Cecilia Vicuña, England & Co, Londres, Reino Unido. Les Immémoriales, Frac Lorraine, Metz, France.
2012 Aural, Galería Patricia Ready, Santiago, Chile.
2009 Water Writing: Anthological Exhibition, 1966-2009, Institute for Women & Art, Rutgers University, Nueva Brunswick, NJ. Noche de las Especies: la mar herida nos mira, El Gran Vidrio, pensamiento ocular, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Valparaíso, Chile.
2008 Parti Si Pasión, Metales Pesados, Santiago Chile.
2007 Otoño, Reconstrucción Documental, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile.
2002 Thread Mansion, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder, CO. DIS SOLVING: Threads of Water and Light, The Drawing Center, Nueva York, NY.
2001 Book No Book, Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee, WI.
2000 Se mi ya, Galería Gabriela Mistral, Ministerio de Educación, Santiago, Chile.
1998 Cloud-net, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, NY; DiverseWorks Artspace, Houston, TX; Art in General, Nueva York, NY.
1997 K’isa, University Art Gallery, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, Nueva Bedford, MA.
1996 Precario, Inverleith House, Royal Botanical Gardens, Edimburgo, Escocia.
1994 Ceq’e Fragments, Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, NM. Hilumbres Allqa, Kanaal Art Foundation, Courtrai, Bélgica
1992 El Ande Futuro, University Art Museum, Berkeley, CA.
1990 Precarious, Exit Art Gallery, Nueva York, NY.
1977 Homenaje a Vietnam, Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño, Bogotá, Colombia.
1974 A Journal of Objects, 400 Precarious Objects, Arts Meeting Place, Londres, Reino Unido.
1973 Pain Things & Explanations, Institute of Contemporary Arts, Londres, Reino Unido.
1971 Pinturas Poemas y Explicaciones, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Santiago, Chile. Otoño, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile.
Selección de Exposiciones Colectivas
2022 Life Between Buildings, MoMA PS1, Long Island City, NY. Alfredo Jaar: THE TEMPTATION TO EXIST, Galerie Lelong & Co., Nueva York, NY. MoMA new acquisitions, Room 205, The Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York, NY. The Milk of Dreams, 59th International Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale, Venecia, Italia. Radical Fiber: Threads Connecting Art and Science, The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY.
2021 The Language in Common, Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT. Artist and Society, Tate Modern, Londres, Reino Unido. Bodies of Water, The 13th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai, China. Minds Rising, Spirits Tuning, The 13th Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Corea del Sur. And if I devoted my life to one of its feathers? Kunsthalle Wien, Viena, Austria. Punctures: Textiles in Digital and Material Time, SPACE, Portland, ME. The Space Between Classrooms, Swiss Institute, Nueva York, NY
2020 Witchhunt, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Kobenhavn, Dinamarca. Rewrite the World, Glassel School of Art at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Houston, TX. A Very Anxious Feeling, Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, VA. Ecofeminism, Thomas Erben Gallery, Nueva York, NY. More More More, Tank Shanghai, Shanghai, China. Earthkeeping/Earthshaking, Galeria Quadrum, Lisboa, Portugal. Punctures: Textiles In Digital And Material Time, SPACE Gallery, Portland, ME.
2019 A Year in Art: 1973, Tate Modern, Londres, Reino Unido. An Emphasis on Resistance: 2019 CIFO Grants & Commissions Program Exhibition, El Museo del Barrio, Nueva York, NY. Contemporary Art: Five Propositions, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Boston, MA. Collaboration for a Dark Sky, Centro Cultural de España, Santiago, Chile. Artistic License: Six Takes on the Guggenheim Collection, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Nueva York, NY. ARCO Gallery, Madrid, España.
2018 Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985, Brooklyn Museum, Nueva York, NY; Pinoteca de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. Migrations and Material Alchemy, Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, NJ.
2017 Dianna Frid and Cecilia Vicuña: A Textile Exhibition, Poetry Foundation, Chicago, IL. Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA. documenta 14, Atenas, Grecia; Kassel, Alemania. Movimientos de Tierra, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile. La timidité des cimes, Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain de Lorraine, Metz, Francia.
2016 Embodied Absence: Ephemerality and Collectivity in Chilean Art of the 1970s Now, Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Strange Oscillations and Vibrations of Sympathy, University Galleries of Illinois State University, Normal, IL. Una imagen llamada palabra, Centro Nacional de Arte Contemporáneo, Cerrillos, Chile. La emergencia del pop. Irreverencia y calle en Chile, Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, Santiago, Chile. A Kingdom of Hours, Gasworks, Londres, Reino Unido. Wild living marine resources belong to society as a whole, Kurant, Tromsø, Noruega.
2015 Agitprop!, Brooklyn Museum, Nueva York, NY. Poema de Chile. La Escritura sólo acaba con la muerte, Sala Museo, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. The Book Undone: Thirty Years of Granary Books, Kempner Gallery, Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Nueva York, NY. Wir sind Utopia: el artista como activista, Matucana 100, Santiago, Chile. Ausencia Encarnada. Efimeralidad y Colectividad en el Arte Chileano de los Años Setenta, Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, Santiago, Chile. So You Want To See, e-flux, Nueva York, NY. La Buena Estrella, OTR Espacio, Madrid, España. Nothing to Hide: The Feminine Landscape of 12 Latin American Artists, Tillou Fine Art, Nueva York, NY.
2014 Really Useful Knowledge, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, España; ashkal alwan, Cairo, Egipto. artevida (corpo), Casa França-Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. artevida (política), Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
2013 Les Immémoriales, Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain de Lorraine, Metz, Francia. Curators’ Series #6: Friends of London. Artists from Latin America in London from l96X-l97X, David Roberts Art Foundation, Londres, Reino Unido.
2012 all our relations, 18th Biennale of Sydney, Sídney, Australia.
2011 Dance / Draw, Institute of Contemporary Art / Boston, Boston, MA. re.act.feminism #2 - a performing archive, Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz, España; Galerija Miroslav Kraljević, Zagreb, Croacia; Wyspa Institute for Art, Gdansk, Polonia; Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde, Denmark; Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, Estonia; Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, España; Academy of Arts, Berlin, Alemania. Chile, años 70 y 80 memoria y experimentalidad, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Universidad de Chile, Chile, Santiago.
2010 On Line: Drawing Through the Twentieth Century, The Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York, NY.
2009 Subversive Practices: Art under Conditions of Political Repression, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Alemania.
2007 WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA.
2006 Multiplicación, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile. Del Otro Lado, Centro Cultural Palacio de La Moneda, Santiago, Chile.
2005 Gabinete de Lectura, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile.
2004 Fishing in International Waters: New Acquisitions from the Latin American Collection, Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
2003 Promoción Popular, Centro Cultural Matucana, Santiago, Chile.
2002 DIS SOLVING: Threads of Water and Light, The Drawing Center, Nueva York, NY. Rayuela / Hopscotch, Fifteen Contemporary Latin American Artists, Hope Horn Gallery, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA; Mahady Gallery, Marywood University, Scranton, PA.
2001 Abstraction, The American-Indian Paradigm, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium; Institut Valencià d’Arte Modern, Valencia, España. Antagonismos, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, España. Agitación como ritual cotidiano. Cartografías del deseo, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, España.
2000 Quotidiana, Castello di Rivoli, Turín, Italia. Transferencia y Densidad, 100 años de Artes Visuales en Chile, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile.
1998 II Bienal de Barro de América, Museo Alejandro Otero, Caracas, Venezuela. North & South Connected, Cecilia de Torres Gallery, Nueva York, NY.
1997 Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, Nueva York, NY. Inside the Visible. An Elliptical Traverse of Twentieth Century Art in, of, and from the Feminine, The Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
1996 Inside the Visible. An Elliptical Traverse of Twentieth Century Art in, of, and from the Feminine, Institute of Contemporary Arts / Boston, Boston, MA; Whitechapel Art Gallery, Londres, Reino Unido.
1994 ar-ti-cu-la-te, Mary Delahoyd Gallery, Nueva York, NY.
1992 America: The Bride of the Sun - 500 years of Latin American Art and the Low Countries, Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, Amberes, Bélgica.
1991 Efecto de Viaje: Trece Artistas Chilenos Residentes en Nueva York, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile.
1990 The Decade Show, New Museum, Nueva York, NY.
1988 The Debt, Exit Art Gallery, Nueva York, NY.
1987 Latin American Artists in New York since 1970, Archer M. Huntington Gallery, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
1986 2nd Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba.
1984 Latin American Visual Thinking, Art Awareness Gallery, Lexington, NY.
1983 Chilenas, Kunsttamtes Kreuzberg, Berlin, Alemania.
1982 Women of the Americas, Center for Inter-American Relations, Nueva York, NY.
1981 Video from Latin America, The Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York, NY. Ikon & Logos, The Alternative Museum, Nueva York, NY. 4th Medellín Biennial, Medellín, Colombia. Bienal de Arte INBO, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
1974 Arts Festival For Democracy in Chile, Royal College of Art, Londres, Reino Unido. 7 Artists, The British Council Students Centre, Londres, Reino Unido.
1973 East London Open, Whitechapel Art Gallery, Londres, Reino Unido.
1972 Pintura Instintiva Chilena, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile.
Selección de Conservatorios y Tallers
2022 Ex-termination Living Quipu, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Nueva York, NY.
2019 Clit Nest, Serpentine Galleries, Londres, Reino Unido. Living Poems with Spring IAS Distinguished Speaker Cecilia Vicuña, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, University of Washington, Bothell, WA.
2018 The Artist As… Poet, Liquid Architecture, Bella Union, Carlton, Melbourne, Australia.
2017 Doubled, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA.
2011 Tugar Tugar Salir a Buscar el Sentido Perdido, Proyecto Fondart, Caleu, Chile.
2015 Awareness is the Art: Artists for Democracy and other stories, Cornell University, Ítaca, NY. Quipu and the Quanta of Language, Cornell University, Ítaca, NY. The Poem is the Animal, Cornell University, Ítaca, NY.
2014 To Weave is to Awake, Pratt Institute, Nueva York, NY. A Life in Art, Keynote Presentation, Art Practice, School of Visual Arts, Nueva York, NY. Artists for Democracy, Columbia University, Nueva York, NY.
2013 Quipu Thoughts, Maryland Art Institute, Baltimore, MD. Water Quipu, Birkbeck College, University of London, Londres, Reino Unido.
2012 Saborami, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA.
2010 Ak-Oruk, Amnesty International, Native Spirit Film Festival, Londres, Reino Unido. Paracas, Fundación Telefónica, Lima, Perú.
2009 Kon Kon, Naropa University, Boulder, CO. Ecopoetics, AWP, Nueva York, NY.
2008 Heresies, MoMA PS1, Nueva York, NY.
2007 On Translation, Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpellier, VT. Threading, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Mapuche Poetic Traditions, People’s Poetry Gathering, City University of New York, Nueva York, NY. The Thread at Play, Poets House, Nueva York, NY. Violeta Parra, Viña del Mar, Chile. First Audience, The Bowery Poetry Club, Nueva York, NY.
2006 El Corno Emplumado, Una historia de los sesentas, King Juan Carlos Center, Nueva York, NY.
2005 What is poetry to you?, Naropa University, Boulder, CO. On Collaboration, Colorado State University, Boulder, CO.
2004 A (mis) translation of the Tao Te Ching into Quechua Concepts, Dactyl Foundation, Nueva York, NY.
2002 Gabriela Martiana, Americas Society, Nueva York, NY.
2001 Gabriela en el MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York, NY.
1998 Tongue-Less/Double-Tongued: the experience of Latin American Poetry in the US, St. Mark’s Poetry Project, Nueva York, NY.
1997 A seminar with Cecilia Vicuña, Whitney Museum of American Art, Nueva York, NY. Criticizing the Future, St. Mark’s Poetry Project, Nueva York, NY.
1996 Magh, Magic Realism, New York University, Nueva York, NY. The Melodic Matrix, Tenth International Conference on Translation, Centering Marginality, Barnard College, Nueva York, NY. The Precarious, Art Institute, Sterling, Escocia.
1995 Access, St. Marks Poetry Project, Nueva York, NY. Writing on Air, Cornell University, Ítaca, NY. Fertile Scriptures, Naropa University, Boulder, CO.
1993 Mallarmé seen from Amazonia, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. Passwords: Cecilia Vicuña on Rosario Castellanos, Poets House, Nueva York, NY. An Autobiography in Art, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
1992 Oral Memory, Cultural Transmission Conference, Bard College, Annandale-On-Hudson, NY. El Ande Futuro, University Art Museum, Berkeley, CA. Lo Precario, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile. Oir y orar, Tercer Congreso de Culturas Hispánicas, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
1991 Arte Precario, School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
1990 Mestizo Poetics, St. Mark’s Poetry Project, Nueva York, NY. Ritual Tying, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Five Precarious Works, School of Visual Arts, Nueva York, NY. An Informal Talk, New Museum, Nueva York, NY.
1989 The No, Latinoamérica Despierta Conference, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA. Paracas, Parsons School of Design, Nueva York, NY.
1988 The Latin American Diaspora, Boston University Art Gallery, Boston, MA.
1987 Identity and Exile, Women Caucus on the Arts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA. Cecilia Vicuña, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
1986 Listening, Fourth International Translation Conference, Barnard College, Nueva York, NY.
1984 Eros del Sud, a vision of ancient and new eroticism, Franklin Furnace, Nueva York, NY. Usos de la Imaginación, Fundación Aigle, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1983 Four Chilean Women Poets, Modern Language Association, Nueva York, NY.
1980 Cecilia Vicuña, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
1979 El Vaso de Leche, Alianza Colombo Francesa, Bogotá, Colombia. Ojos que no ven, Centro Venezolano de Cultura, Bogotá, Colombia. Cecilia Vicuña, Escola da Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
1978 Ojos que no ven, Goethe Institut, Bogotá, Colombia.
1976 Arte y Poesía de Cecilia Vicuña, Teatro Experimental de Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
1975 Art, Music and Poetry, The Polythechnic of North London, Londres, Reino Unido. Cecilia Vicuña Speaks of Her Art, Slade School of Fine Art, University College, Londres, Reino Unido.
1974 Art & Literature since the Chilean Revolution, Institute of Contemporary Arts, Londres, Reino Unido.
2020 Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Filadelfia, PA.
2004 MacDowell Colony Fellowship, Peterborough, NH.
2003 Bellagio Study Center Residency, Rockefeller Foundation, Lago de Como, Italia.
2002 Hedda Sterne Foundation Residency, East Hampton, NY.
2001 Valparaiso Foundation Residency, Mojácar, España.
1991 Bellagio Study Center Residency, Rockefeller Foundation, Lago de Como, Italia.
Volúmenes de Poesía
2022 Vicuña, Cecilia, Libro Venado, direcciones, Buenos Aires. Vicuña Cecilia, Sudor de Futuro, Altazor Ediciones, Viña del Mar, Chile.
2020 Vicuña, Cecilia, Cruz del Sur, Lumen Chile, Penguin/Random House.
2019 Marambio, Camila, and Cecilia Vicuña. Slow Down Fast, A Toda Raja. Berlin: Errant Bodies Press.
2018 Vicuña, Cecilia. AMAzone palabrarmas, 1977-1978. Translated by James O’Hern. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Vicuña, Cecilia. Cecilia Vicuña: New and Selected Poems. Edited by Rosa Alcalá. Berkeley: Kelsey Street Press.
2017 Vicuña, Cecilia, et al. Read Thread: The Story of the Red Thread. Berlin: Sternberg Press. Vicuña, Cecilia, About to Happen, Siglio Press, NY. Vicuña, Cecilia, PALAVRARmais, traducido al portugués por Ricardo Corona, Ediciones Medusa, Curitiba, Brasil.
2015 Vicuña, Cecilia, Kuntur Ko, Hueso Records, Santiago, Chile.
2013 Vicuña, Cecilia. El Zen Surado. Santiago: Editorial Catalonia.
2012 Vicuña, Cecilia. Chanccani Quipu. Nueva York: Granary Books. Vicuña, Cecilia. Spit Temple: The Selected Performances of Cecilia Vicuña. Edited and translated by Rosa Alcalá. Brooklyn: Ugly Duckling Presse.
2011 Vicuña, Cecilia. beforehand. Brooklyn: Belladonna. Vicuña, Cecilia. Saborami. Oakland and Filadelfia: Chainlinks.
2010 Vicuña, Cecilia. Soy Yos: Antología, 1966-2006. Santiago: LOM Ediciones.
2007 Vicuña, Cecilia. Sabor a Mí. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
2005 Vicuña, Cecilia. Palabrarmas. Santiago: RIL Editores.
2004 Vicuña, Cecilia. i tu. Buenos Aires: Tsé-Tsé.
2002 Vicuña, Cecilia. Instan. Berkeley: Kelsey St. Press.
2001 Vicuña, Cecilia. El Templo. Translated by Rosa Alcalá. Bristol: Situations Press.
1996 Vicuña, Cecilia. Word & Thread. Translated by Rosa Alcalá. Edimburgo: Morning Star Publications. Vicuña, Cecilia. PALABRARmas / WURWAPPINschaw. Translated by Edwin Morgan. Edimburgo: Morning Star Publications.
1992 Vicuña, Cecilia. Unravelling Words & Weaving Water. Edited by Eliot Weinberger. Translated by Eliot Weinberger and Suzanne Jill Levine. Saint Paul: Graywolf Press.
1990 Vicuña, Cecilia. La Wik’uña. Santiago: Francisco Zegers Editor.
1986 Vicuña, Cecilia. Samara. Roldanillo: Ediciones Embalaje, Museo Rayo.
1984 Vicuña, Cecilia. PALABRARmas. Buenos Aires: Ediciones El Imaginero.
1983 Vicuña, Cecilia. Luxumei, o, el Traspié de la Doctrina. Ciudad de México: Editorial Oasis. Vicuña, Cecilia. Precario / Precarious. Translated by Anne Twitty. Nueva York: Tanam Press.
1979 Vicuña, Cecilia. Siete Poemas. Bogotá: Ediciones Centro Colombo Americano.
1973 Vicuña, Cecilia. Saborami. Translated by Felipe Ehrenberg. Cullompton: Beau Geste Press.
Selección de Volúmenes Editados y Colaboración en Libros
2020 Vicuña, Cecilia and various authors. Minga del Cielo Oscuro. Santiago: CCE Santiago.
2019 Marambio, Camila, and Cecilia Vicuña. Slow Down Fast, A Toda Raja. Berlin: Errant Bodies Press.
2009 Livon Grosman, Ernesto, and Cecilia Vicuña, eds. The Oxford Book of Latin American Poetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1998 Vicuña, Cecilia, ed. Ül: Four Mapuche Poets: An Anthology. Nueva York: Americas Society. Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press.
1988 Bogin, Magda, and Cecilia Vicuña, eds. The Selected Poems of Rosario Castellanos. Saint Paul: Graywolf Press.
Selección de Monografías
2022 López, Miguel, ed. Cecilia Vicuña. Veroir el fracaso iluminado. Madrid: CA2M y Bogotá: MAMU Museo Miguel Urrutia.
2019 López, Miguel, ed. Cecilia Vicuña: Seehearing the Enlightened Failure. Rotterdam: Witte de With.
2017 Andersson, Andrea, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Macarena Gómez-Barris, et al. Cecilia Vicuña: About to Happen. Los Angeles: Siglio.
2015 Gardner Clark, Meredith. Vicuñiana: El Arte y la Poesía de Cecilia Vicuña, un Diálogo Sur/Norte. Santiago: Editorial Cuarto Propio.
2013 Ades, Dawn. Cecilia Vicuña. Londres: Inglaterra & Co.
2012 Cecilia Vicuña, l966-2012, Obras. Santiago: Galería Patricia Ready.
1999 Angelini, Surpik, Laura Hoptman, David Levi Strauss, et al. Cecilia Vicuña: Cloud-Net. Nueva York: Art in General.
1997 de Zegher, Catherine, ed. The Precarious: The Art and Poetry of Cecilia Vicuña. Hanover: University Press of New England.
Selección de Publicaciones
2022 Alemani, Cecilia, ed. Biennale Arte 2022: The Milk of Dreams. Venice: La Biennale di Venezia. Robinson, Rachel Elizabeth. Visual and Plastic Poetics From Brazilian Concretism to the Chilean Neo-Avant-Garde. Cambridge: Legenda / Modern Humanities Research Association. Tulk, Niki. Performing the Wound: Practicing a Feminist Theatre of Becoming. Milton: Routledge.
2021 Foradas, Alexandra, et al. Kissing through a Curtain. North Adams: Mass MoCA.
2020 Ali, Kazim, and Lisa Sewell, eds. North American Women Poets in the 21st Century: Beyond Lyric and Language. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press. Amich, Candice. Precarious Forms: Performing Utopia in the Neoliberal Americas. Evanston: Northwestern University Press. Blackmore, Lisa, and Liliana Gómez, eds. Liquid Ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean Art. Nueva York: Routledge. Castro Jorquera, Carolina. El Camino de la Conciencia: Mira Schendel, Victor Grippo, Cecilia Vicuña. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Finis Terrae. Garcia, Edgar. Signs of the Americas: A Poetics of Pictography, Hieroglyphs, and Khipu. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Harris, Jennifer, ed. A Companion to Textile Culture. Nueva York: Wiley-Blackwell. Lyall, Victoria I., and Jorge F. Rivas Pérez, eds. ReVisión: A New Look at Art in the Americas. Denver: Denver Art Museum. Munich: Hirmer.
2019 López, Miguel, ed. Cecilia Vicuña: Seehearing the Enlightened Failure. Rotterdam: Witte de With. Elderton, Louisa, Catalina Imizcoz, and Rebecca Morrill, eds. Vitamin T: Threads & Textiles in Contemporary Art. Londres: Phaidon. Elderton, Louisa, Rebecca Morrill, and Karen Wright, eds. Great Women Artists. Londres: Phaidon. George, Amy, and Dominique Heyse-Moore, eds. Ancient Textiles from the Andes. Manchester: The Whitworth, University of Manchester. Phelps, Jennifer, and Elizabeth Robinson, eds. Quo Anima: Spirituality and Innovation in Contemporary Women’s Poetry. Akron: University of Akron Press. Siqueira Lopes, João Paulo, and Fernando Ticoulat, eds. Workspaces of Latin American Artists. Rio de Janeiro: Editora de Cobogó.
2018 Boon, Marcus, and Gabriel Levine, eds. Practice. Londres: Whitechapel Gallery. Cambridge: MIT Press. Burns, Aileen, Johan Lundh, and Tara McDowell, eds. The Artist As. Berlin: Sternberg Press. Dowling, Sarah. Translingual Poetics: Writing Personhood Under Settler Colonialism. Ciudad de Iowa: University of Iowa Press. Figueredo, Maria L. Creation Sounds: Music, Gender and Performativity in Contemporary Latin American Literature. Champaign: Common Ground. Zalaquett, José. Una pasión predominante: Crítica de artes visuales. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile.
2017 Albakry, Mohammed, ed. Translation and the Intersection of Texts, Contexts and Politics. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Andersson, Andrea, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Macarena Gómez-Barris, et al. Cecilia Vicuña: About to Happen. Los Angeles: Siglio. Burnett, Elizabeth-Jane. A Social Biography of Contemporary Innovative Poetry Communities. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Bryan-Wilson, Julia. Fray: Art and Textile Politics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Capone, Francesca, ed. Text Means Tissue. Portland: Nationale. Christian, Dorothy, and Rita Wong, eds. Downstream: Reimagining Water. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Fajardo-Hill, Cecilia, and Andrea Giunta, eds. Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985. Los Angeles: Hammer Museum. Munich and Nueva York: DelMonico Books/Prestel. Frank, Patrick, ed. Manifestos and Polemics in Latin American Modern Art. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Kaza, Madhu, ed. Kitchen Table Translation. Pittsburgh: Blue Sketch Press. King, Amy, and Heidi Lynn Staples, eds. Big Energy Poets: Ecopoetry Thinks Climate Change. Buffalo: BlazeVOX. Matta-Jara, Natalia, and Heike Scharm, eds. Postnational Perspectives on Contemporary Hispanic Literature. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. Paitz, Kendra, ed. Strange Oscillations and Vibrations of Sympathy. Normal: University Galleries of Illinois State University. Nueva York: Distributed Art Publishers/D.A.P.
2016 Clay, Steven, and Kyle Schlesinger, eds. Threads Talk Series. Nueva York: Granary Books. Victoria: Cuneiform Press. Dewart, Murray, ed. Poems About Sculpture. Nueva York: Alfred A. Knopf. Ette, Ottmar, and Julio Prieto, eds. Poéticas del Presente: Perspectivas Críticas sobre Poesía Hispánica Contemporánea. Madrid: Iberoamericana. Frankfurt: Vervuert.
2015 Colo, Papo, Holland Cotter, Rachel Gugelberger, et al. Unfinished Memories: 30 years of Exit Art. Nueva York: Exit Art. Göttingen: Steidl. Gardner Clark, Meredith. Vicuñiana: El Arte y la Poesía de Cecilia Vicuña, un Diálogo Sur/Norte. Santiago: Editorial Cuarto Propio. Hemmings, Jessica, ed. Cultural Threads: Transnational Textiles Today. Londres: Bloomsbury. Moura, Rodrigo, and Adriano Pedrosa, eds. Artevida. São Paulo: Cobogó. Roncalla, Fredy Amílcar. Revelación en la Senda del Manzanar: Homenaje a Juan Ramirez Ruiz, Edición y recopilación de Fredy Roncalla. Lima: Pakarina.
2014 de Zegher, Catherine. Women's Work Is Never Done: An Anthology. Ghent: AsaMER. Chávez, John, and Carmen Giménez Smith, eds. Angels of the Americlypse: An Anthology of New Latin@ Writing. Denver: Counterpath. Delaume, Chloé, Agnes Denes, Elsa Dorlin, et al. Les Immémoriales: Pour une Écologie Féministe. Metz: FRAC Lorraine. Garcés, Marina, et al. Un saber realmente útil. Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Hudek, Anthony, ed. The Object. Londres: Whitechapel Gallery. Cambridge: MIT Press. Waldman, Anne, and Laura Wright, eds. Cross Worlds: Transcultural Poetics: An Anthology. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press. Lippard, Lucy, Paulina Varas Alcarón, Cecilia Vicuña, et al. Artists for Democracy: El Archivo de Cecilia Vicuña. Santiago: Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos y Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Schor, Gabriele, ed. WOMAN: The Feminist Avant-Garde from the 1970s. Bruselas: Bozar.
2013 Ades, Dawn. Cecilia Vicuña. Londres: Inglaterra & Co.
2012 Bergvall, Caroline, ed. I'll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing by Women. Los Angeles: Les Figues Press. Brugnoli, Francisco, Alessandra Burotto, and Carroll Yasky, eds. Chile Años 70 y 80: Memoria y Experimentalidad. Santiago: Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Artes and Museo de Arte Contemporáneo. de Zegher, Catherine, and Gerald McMaster, eds. 18th Biennale of Sydney 2012: All Our Relations. Woolloomooloo: Biennale of Sydney. Cecilia Vicuña, l966-2012, Obras. Santiago: Galería Patricia Ready.
2011 Cuéllar, Margarito, ed. Jinetes del Aire: Poesía Contemporánea de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Santiago: RIL Editores. Molesworth, Helen, ed. Dance/Draw. Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz.
2010 Levi Strauss, David. From Head to Hand: Art and the Manual. Nueva York: Oxford University Press.
2009 Stein, Alex. Made-Up Interviews with Imaginary Artists. Brooklyn: Ugly Duckling Presse.
2008 Firestone, Jennifer, and Dana Teen Lomax, eds. Letters to Poets: Conversations about Poetics, Politics, and Community. Filadelfia: Saturnalia Books.
2007 Butler, Cornelia, and Lisa Gabrielle Mark, eds. WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution. Los Angeles: The Museum of Contemporary Art. Cambridge: MIT Press. Letelier, Alberto Madrid, José de Nordenflycht, Cecilia Vicuña, et al. Otoño/Autumn, Reconstrucción Documental 1971/2007. Santiago: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.
2006 Armstrong, Carol, and Catherine de Zegher, eds. Women Artists at the Millennium. Cambridge: MIT Press.
2005 Espinosa Guerra, Julio, ed. Poesía Chilena: Antología Esencial. Madrid: Visor Libros. "Amb les seves mans i els seus ulls": Teixits maies, miralls d'una cosmovisió. Girona: La Caixa.
2004 Moret, Zulema, ed. Mujeres mirando al sur: Antología de poetas sudamericanas en USA. Madrid: Torremozas.
2003 Holsbeke, Mireille, and Julia Montoya, eds. With Their Hands and Their Eyes: Maya Textiles, Mirrors of a Worldview. Antwerp: Etnografisch Museum Antwerpen.
2002 Kohut, Karl, and José Morales Saravia, eds. Literatura Chilena Hoy: La Difícil Transición. Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert. Madrid: Editorial Iberoamericana. Paternoso, César, and Cecilia Vicuña. Dis solving: Threads of Water and Light. Nueva York: The Drawing Center. Randall, Margaret, and Robert Schweitzer. Hopscotch: Fifteen Contemporary Latin American Artists. Scranton: University of Scranton.
2001 Gropp, Nicolás, and Idea Vilariño, eds. Antología Poética de Mujeres Hispanoamericanas, Siglo XX. Montevideo: Ediciones de la Banda Oriental.
2000 Alcalá, Rosa, et al. Poems in the Garden: Rebel Rd. Nueva York: Soho Letterpress. Clay, Steven, and Jerome Rothenberg, eds. A Book of the Book: Some Works & Projections about the Book & Writing. Nueva York: Granary Books. Cecilia Vicuña: Semi Ya. Santiago: Galería Gabriela Mistral. Quotidiana: The Continuity of the Everyday in 20th Century Art. Milan: Charta.
1998 Angelini, Surpik, Laura Hoptman, David Levi Strauss, et al. Cecilia Vicuña: Cloud-Net. Nueva York: Art in General. O’Reilly Herrera, Andrea, ed. A Secret Weavers Anthology: Selections from the White Pine Press Secret Weavers Series: Writing by Latin American Women. Fredonia: White Pine Press.
1997 de Zegher, Catherine, ed. The Precarious: The Art and Poetry of Cecilia Vicuña. Hanover: University Press of New England. Rothenberg, Jerome, and Pierre Joris, eds. Poems for the Millenium, Vol II. Oakland: The University of California Press.
1996 de Zegher, Catherine, ed. Inside the Visible: An Elliptical Traverse of 20th Century Art in, of, and From the Feminine. Cambridge: MIT Press. Pollock, Griselda, ed. Generations and Geographies in the Visual Arts: Feminist Readings. Londres: Routledge.
1995 Witzling, Mara R., ed. Voicing Today’s Visions: Writings by Contemporary Women Artists. Londres: Women’s Press.
1994 Fernández, Roberta, ed. In other Words: Literature by Latinas of the United States. Fernández Olmos, Margarite, and Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert, eds. Pleasure in the Word: Erotic Writings by Latin American Women. Nueva York: Plume. Agosin, Marjorie, ed. These are Not Sweet Girls, Poetry by Latin American Women. Buffalo: White Pine Press. Garrigues, Suzanne, Inverna Lockpez, Barbara Price, et al. Rejoining the Spiritual: The Land in Contemporary Latin American Art. Baltimore: Maryland Institute College of Art. Jacob, Mary Jane, Ivo Mesquita, and Noreen Tomassi, eds. American Visions: Artistic and Cultural Identity in the Western Hemisphere. Nueva York: ACA Books.
1991 Weiss, Rachel, and Alan West, eds. Being América: Essays on Art, Literature and Identity from Latin America. Fredonia: White Pine Press.
1990 Bianchi, Soledad. Poesía Chilena: (miradas, enfoques, apuntes). Santiago: Ediciones Documentas.
1989 Wallis, Brian, ed. Blasted Allegories: An Anthology of Writings of Contemporary Artists. Nueva York: New Museum of Contemporary Art.
1988 Partnoy, Alicia, ed. You Can't Drown the Fire: Latin American Women Writing in Exile. Pittsburgh: Cleis.
1987 Agosín, Marjorie, and Cola Franzen, eds. The Renewal of the Vision: Voices of Latin American Women Poets, 1940-1980. Peterborough: Spectacular Diseases. Barnitz, Jacqueline, ed. Latin American Artists in New York since 1970. Austin: A.M. Huntington Art Gallery, College of Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin.
1986 Flores, Angel, and Kate Flores, eds. The Defiant Muse: Hispanic Feminist Poems from the Middle Ages to the Present. Nueva York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York. Williams, Reese, ed. Fire over water. Nueva York: Tanam Press.
1985 Villegas, Juan, ed. Antología de la Nueva Poesía Femenina Chilena. Santiago: Editorial La Noria.
1984 Flores, Angel, and Kate Lares, eds. Poesía Feminista del Mundo Hispánico (desde la edad media hasta la actualidad). Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
1978 Boccanera, Jorge A. Novísima poesía latinoamericana. México: Editores Mexicanos Unidos.
1982 Sex, Performance, and the 80's. Nueva York: Franklin Furnace. Women of the Americas: Emerging Perspectives. Nueva York: Kouros Gallery and Center for Inter-American Relations.
Selección de Bibliografía
2022 Jansen, Charlotte. “10 Artists Set to Have a Major Moment This Fall.” Artsy, Agosto 18. Bury, Louis. “Cecilia Vicuña’s Charismatic Vulnerability.” Hyperallergic, Agosto 10. Lloyd-Smith, Harriet. “Can art untangle and reclaim oppressed histories?: Cecilia Vicuña.” Wallpaper*, Agosto. Herrera, Suzanne. “In Conversation: Cecilia Vicuña with Suzanne Herrera.” The Brooklyn Rail, Julio/Agosto. Gac-Artigas, Gustavo. “‘Sol y dar y dad’: Cecilia Vicuña, una chilena en el Guggenheim.” Letralia Tierra de Letras, Julio 29. Gural, Natasha. “Stupendous Restored Eva Hesse Masterwork, Must-See Cecilia Vicuña And Kandinsky Exhibitions, Worth A Day At The Guggenheim.” Forbes, Julio 12. Urist, Jacoba. “Who Is Cecilia Vicuña, and Why Is Her Art Now Receiving So Much Attention?” ARTnews, Junio 29. Di Liscia, Valentina. “Cecilia Vicuña Sees Venice Through Her Mother’s Eyes.” Hyperallergic, Junio 26. Garatti, Barbara. “Palabrarmas, le armi di parole di Cecilia Vicuña.” Il Giornale Dell’arte, Julio 26. Budick, Ariella. “Chilean artist Cecilia Vicuña asks urgent cosmic questions at the Guggenheim.” Financial Times, Junio 23. Cotter, Holland. “The Precarious Art of Cecilia Vicuña.” The New York Times, Junio 9. Davis, Ben. “What Does It Mean to Be a ‘Biennial Artist,’ Anyway? Here Are the Traits That Unite the Most Successful Practitioners.” Artnet, Junio 9. Hyland, Catherine, dir. “Meet the Artists: Cecilia Vicuña.” Art Basel, Junio 3. Video. Dozier, Ayanna. “Cecilia Vicuña Liberates the Body and the Land in Her New Guggenheim Retrospective.” Artsy, Junio 1. Katz, Matt. “The First New York Retrospective of Chilean Artist Cecilia Vicuña.” WNYC, Junio 1. Broadcast. “La exposición en el Guggenheim de Cecilia Vicuña captura el arte perdido del quipu.” Canal 10, Junio 1. Torrens, Claudia. “Chilena Cecilia Vicuña protagoniza muestra en el Guggenheim.” Chicago Tribune, Mayo 27. Gómez-Upegui, Salomé. “Cecilia Vicuña’s Guggenheim Exhibition Captures the Lost Art of the Quipu.” W Magazine, Mayo 27. Bressanin, Anna, dir. “Are we entering a post anthropocentric era?” BBC Reel, Mayo 19. Video. McDonald, Maya Asha. “Cecilia Vicuña Had to Repaint One of Her Works in the Venice Biennale Because a Friend Lost It When Moving Into a New House.” Artnet News, Mayo 11. Vicuña, Cecilia. “The Traveling Word: Cecilia Vicuña on AMAzone Palabrarmas.” MoMA Magazine, Mayo 10. Scott, Andrea K. “Summer Art Preview.” The New Yorker, Mayo 6. Peterson, Vanessa. “Editors’ Picks: The 5 Best Showings at the 59th Venice Biennale.” Frieze, Abril 29. Graeber, Laurel. “Coming Soon to the Guggenheim: Words, Words, Words.” The New York Times, Abril 27. Toledo, Manuel. “La extraordinaria carrera de Cecilia Vicuña, la chilena que recibió el León de Oro en la Bienal de Venecia 2022.” BBC Mundo, Abril 25. Sutton, Kate. “Sweet Dreaming: Kate Sutton at the 59th Venice Biennale.” Artforum, Abril 22. Peterson, Vanessa. “The Collective Feminist Agency of ‘The Milk of Dreams.’” Frieze, Abril 21. Greenberger, Alex. “The Best Art in the 2022 Venice Biennale’s Main Show, From Fragrant Sculptures to Kinky Body Horror.” ARTnews, Abril 20. Velasco, David. “What Dreams May Come: Cecilia Alemani talks with David Velasco about the 59th Venice Biennale.” Artforum, Abril. Lesauvage, Magali. “Cecilia Vicuña invitée du Turbine Hall et du Guggenheim.” Le Quotidien De L’Art, Marzo 31. “Cecilia Vicuña chosen for Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall commission.” Artforum, Marzo 30. Durón, Maximilíano. “Cecilia Vicuña, Tireless Maker of Poignant Sculptures on the Precarity of Life, Selected for Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall Commission.” ARTnews, Marzo 30. Harris, Gareth. “Chilean artist and activist Cecilia Vicuña—known for her epic textile works—will take over Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall this autumn.” The Art Newspaper, Marzo 30. Retamal, Pablo. “Cecilia Vicuña a Londres: expondrá obra textil en la Tate Modern.” La Tercera, Marzo 30. “Katharina Fritsch and Cecilia Vicuña awarded Venice Biennale’s Golden Lions.” Artforum, Marzo 8. Harris, Gareth. “Katharina Fritsch and Cecilia Vicuña awarded Venice Biennale Golden Lions for Lifetime Achievement.” The Art Newspaper, Marzo 8. Gaskin, Sam. “Colomboscope Festival Unpacks the Cecilia Vicuña Line ‘Language is Migrant’.” Ocula, Febrero 1. Loic, Erika. “The Once and Future Histories of the Book: Decolonial Interventions into the Codex, Chronicle, and Khipu.”Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture, vol. 4, no. 1. Pickstone, Charles. “Venice Biennale The Milk of Dreams,” Art and Christianity, 110. Rio, León Belen. “Textiles maternos: una revolución reflexiva de las mujeres latinoamericanas frente al patriarcado social,” Arte y Políticas de Identidad, vol. 26.
2021 Sharp, Sarah Rose. “Films by Mona Hatoum, Allora & Calzadilla, Theo Eshetu and Others to Be Screened Online by MOCA Toronto.” Hyperallergic, Noviembre 8. Scarpa, Steve. “’The Language in Common’ on Exhibit in Zilkha Gallery.” Wesleyan University News, Septiembre 21. Scott, Andrea K. “Fall Art Preview.” The New Yorker, Augusto 6. Garieri, Roberta. “Carolina Castro Jorquera, El Camino de la conciencia: Mira Schendel / Victor. Grippo / Cecilia Vicuña.” Critique d’art, Julio 05. Forteza, José. “Pertubatriz del Orden.” Vogue Latinoamérica, Mayo. Pujol Duran, Jèssica. ”The Performative Forum: Women, Body and Memory in the Foro de Escritores Chile.” Mistral, vol. 1, no. 1. Llyod-Smith, Harriet. “13th Shanghai Biennale reaches a climax at Power Station of Art.” Wallpaper*, Abril 27. “Cecilia Vicuña at CA2M Centro de Arte dos de Mayo.” Artviewer, Abril 19. Chen, Qi’an, and Cai Xuejiao. “Major Contemporary Art Exhibition Opens in Shanghai.” Sixth Tone, Abril 16. Borutzky, Daniel. “Cecilia Vicuña: The Colour of Compassion.” Ocula, Marzo 31. Loos, Ted. “In the Studio with Cecilia Vicuña.” Galerie, Marzo 12. “Portfolio: Cecilia Vicuña.” Artforum, Marzo. McHugh, Fionnuala. “Her climate change art is finally being recognised: Chilean artist Cecilia Vicuña and how the world finally caught up with her.” South China Morning Post, Febrero 18. Albrecht, Elliat. “Seoul: 6 must-see shows.” Art Basel, Febrero 16. Segre, Erica. “Transtexuality and the Precarious Materials of Dissent (1973): Radicalism in Cecilia Vicuña, Felipe Ehrenberg and the Beau Geste Press (1970-1976).” Bulletin of Latin American Research, vol. 40, no. 2. Dasseleer, Camille. “Identidades ch'ixi en el borderland : el multilingüismo decolonial en dos obras poéticas de Cecilia Vicuña y de Pilar Rodríguez Aranda.” Mitologias Hoy, vol. 23, no. 1. Frenkel Barretto, Eleonora. “Cecília Vicuña, o baile de los chinos e as sementes ancestrais de futuro.” Revista Linguagem & Ensino, vol. 24, no. 1. Valdebenito, Lorena. “Música e imagen: Usos del cuerpo fragmentado para un pensamiento estético femenino en Cecilia Vicuña y Violeta Parra.” OPUS, vol. 27, no. 1. Juliff, Toby and Tierney, Tricia. “They Are Always There.” Latin American and latinx visual culture, vol. 3, no. 4. "The Time Is Now: Writing Prompts and Exercises." Poets & Writers Magazine, vol. 49, no. 5. Santos, Renata Ribeiro-dos. “Artistas mujeres de América Latina en exposiciones en España: las invitadas /Women artists from Latin America in exhibitions in Spain: the guests.” Arte, individuo y sociedad, vol. 33, no. 3.
2020 Burke, Harry. “Cecilia Vicuña’s Arte Precario Reawakened My Enduring Love of the Sea.” Elephant, Septiembre 1. Puppo, María Lucía. “"The Place of Action": Geopoetics and Politics in Cecilia Vicuña 's The Precarious (2016).” Universum (Talca), vol. 35, no. 2. Barros, María José. “Aguas y ríos: Activismo, descolonización y naturaleza en Cecilia Vicuña y Ana Tijoux.” Latin American Research Review, vol. 55, no. 3. Dasseleer, Camille. “La hibridez como heteronomía de la poesía contemporánea: El caso de la obra de Cecilia Vicuña.” Actio Nova, no. 4. Mullen, Claire. “For over Five Decades, Cecilia Vicuña Has Made Prescient, Rebellious Art.” Artsy, Abril 9. Kosick, Rebecca. “’El milk del translate’: Poetic Undifference in Cecilia Vicuña's Instan.” MLN, Marzo. Uszerowicz, Monica. “Cecilia Vicuña: Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami.” Artforum, Marzo. Batet, Janet. “Cecilia Vicuña: Hilar el alma.” El Nuevo Herald, Febrero 26. Wilk, Elvia. “Eine Frage Der Ethik: Do The Right Thing.” Monopol, Enero 20. Macchiavello, Carla. “Escrito en la neblina, tejido con el cuerpo: el impulso textil en una instalación de Cecilia Vicuña.” H-ART, no. 6.
2019 Rinaldi, Ray Mark. “For Cecilia Vicuña, 'Consciousness Is the Art'.” The New York Times, Diciembre 3. Mercer, Lucy. “The erotic socialism of Cecilia Vicuña.” ArtReview, Diciembre. “The Most Important Artworks of the 2010s.” ARTnews. Noviembre 28. Bachraty, Dagmar. “La experiencia estética de la mirada: el ver y oír en la conformación de la palabra tejida en la obra Quipu Mapocho de Cecilia Vicuña.” Letrônica, vol. 12, no. 3. Bachraty, Dagmar. "Un acto de tejer y destejer la memoria. Los quipus de Cecilia Vicuña y el arte actual". H-ART, no 5. Greenberger, Alex. “Amid Late-Career Renaissance, Cecilia Vicuña Wins Spain’s Top Art Prize.” ARTnews, Noviembre 21. Williams, Maxwell. “Meet the 6 Rising-Star Artists Competing for the Coveted $100,000 Hugo Boss Prize.” Artnet News, Noviembre 19. Greenberger, Alex. “Artist Cecilia Vicuña on Chile Protests: ‘It May Be a Preview of What Awaits People Around the World.’” ARTnews, Noviembre 12. Groult, Charlotte. “Cecilia Vicuña, the mystery of the Inca quipus.” Switch (on Paper), Octubre 31. Mac Giolla Léith, Caoimhín. “‘An Awareness of Disappearance’: an Interview with Poet, Activist and Artist Cecilia Vicuña.” Frieze, Octubre 29. Marambio, Camila. “The Two in the One: Cecilia Vicuña's Pantera Negray Yo (ii) (Black Panther and Me [ii}).” MoMA Post: Notes on Modern & Contemporary Art Around the Globe, Octubre 23. Tobin, Amy. “Homage to Vicuña.” Burlington Contemporary, Agosto 28. Witkowski, Jacqueline. “Threading together politics and poetics in Cecilia Vicuña’s fiber art.” Journal of Textile Design Research & Practice, vol. 7, no. 1. Frenkel-Barretto, Eleonora. “Poética do 'ser'-com em 'I tu', de Cecília Vicuña: provocações para a tradução do estrangeiro em 'performance'.” Gragoatá, Mayo/Agosto. Selvin, Clarie. “Perez Art Museum Miami Acquires Works by 11 Artists, Including Abbas Kiarostami and Cecilia Vicuña.” ARTnews, Mayo 15. Armstrong, Annie. “Winners of 2019 Herb Alpert Award in the Arts Named, Including Cecilia Vicuña and Beatriz Santiago Muñoz.” ARTnews, Mayo 10. López, Miguel A. “Dissident Bodies.” Artforum, Mayo. Oliveira, Márcia. “From Word to Thread: Cecilia Vicuña’s Fluid Textures.” Revista Estudos Feministas, vol. 27 no. 1. Cortese, Julia. “Restos supervivientes. Análisis del Quipu Mapocho, de Cecilia Vicuña.” Arte e Investigación, no. 15. Barros, María José. “Artistic Activism in Semi YA (2000) by Cecilia Vicuña: Towards a Decolonization of Knowledge and Nature.” Taller de Letras, no. 65. Waltrick do Amarante, Dirce. “Entrevista Cecília Vicuña.” Revista da Anpoll, vol. 1 no. 50. Greenberger, Alex. “United States Artists Names 2019 Fellows, Including Firelei Báez, Wu Tsang, and Cecilia Vicuña.” ARTnews, Enero 22.
2018 Kan, Elianna. “Cecilia Vicuña.” BOMB, Winter. Wyma, Chloe. “Cecilia Vicuña: Lehmann Maupin.” Artforum, November. Daus Neville, Lisa. “Memory of the Future: Cecilia Vicuña’s Participatory Poetics and Murray Bookchin’s Unfolding Dialectical Freedom.” Glimpse, vol. 19. Robinson, Rachel Elizabeth. “Plastic Poetry of the Page: Cecilia Vicuña’s Instan.” Latin American Literary Review, vol. 45, no. 90. Ramírez, Carolina Vega. “La Tribu No y CADA: neovanguardia y (e)utopía como preámbulo del devenir.” Taller de Letras, no. 62. “At the MFA, Cecilia Vicuña makes memory tangible.” The Boston Globe, Noviembre 7. Leslie, Richard. “Cecilia Vicuña: Brooklyn Museum and Lehmann Maupin.” ArtNexus, Septiembre/Noviembre. Brostoff, Alex. “The Dazzling and Dooming Art of Cecilia Vicuña.” Hyperallergic, Septiembre 25. Moffitt, Evan. “Cecilia Vicuña’s Spatial Poems to Female Resilience.” Frieze, Julio 16. “Cecilia Vicuña.” The New Yorker, Julio 9 & 16. “6 Things T Editors Like Right Now.” T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Junio 14. “Cecilia Vicuña on Female Power and Climate Change.” Elephant, Junio 13. Cascone, Sarah, and Caroline Goldstein. “Shows! Shows! Shows! 34 New York Must-See Gallery Exhibitions to See This May.” Artnet News, Mayo 1. “Legacies of 1968: Cecilia Vicuña.” ArtReviewAsia, Mayo. “Getting Their Due.” Artsy, Abril 30. Biczel, Dorota. “Cecilia Vicuña: About to Happen.” CAA Reviews, Abril 6. “Art Industry News.” Artnet News, Febrero 8. Gerlis, Melanie. “The Art Market.” Financial Times, Febrero 2. Bryan-Wilson, Julia. “Feminist Forms.” Flash Art International, Enero/Febrero.
2017 Birnbaum, Daniel. “Thinking Twice.” Artforum, Septiembre. Lynd, Juliet, and Ana Roncero-Bellido. “Art, Poetry, and Testimonio in Cecilia Vicuña's Saboramo (1973).” Letras Femeninas, vol .43, no. 1. Wilson, Michael. “Cecilia Vicuña: About to Happen.” BOMB, Julio 15. Albuquerque, Carlos, and Liliana Gladys Essenwanger. “Artista chilena denuncia la violencia y llama a una revolución.” Deutsche Welle, Junio 27. Pluecker, John. “An Un-Memorial to All That Has Been Lost: Cecilia Vicuña’s Precarious Assemblages.” Pelican Bomb, Junio 21. Schmidt, Heinrich. “Documenta 14 Kassel Highlights (VIDEO).” Huffington Post, Junio 9. David, Ben. “Not in Kassel? See Photo Highlights of Adam Szymczyk’s Ambitious documenta 14.” Artnet News, Junio 8. Lippard, Lucy. “Floating Between Past and Future: The Indigenisation of Environmental Politics.” Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Primavera/Verano. Espinoza, Denisse. “Cecilia Vicuña, artista visual: ‘Mi obra completa es un acto solitario y a la vez está en continua interacción.’” Culto, Mayo 8. “‘We can wake up if we wish’: Autumn Royal Interviews Cecilia Vicuña.” Cordite Poetry Review, Mayo 1. Collymore, Nan. “Art and Textile Politics: An interview with Author and Professor Julia Bryan-Wilson.” Teeth Magazine, Abril 12. Amirkhani, Jordan. “Cecilia Vicuña: About to Happen at Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans.” DailyServing, Abril 4. García-Huidobro, Soledad. “El silencio poético de Cecilia Vicuña llega a Documenta.” LaTercera, Enero 28.
2016 McQuaid, Cate. “Art as politics in ’70s Chile.” Boston Globe, Noviembre 22. Sepúlveda, Magda. “Cecilia Vicuña: La subjetividad poética como una operación contracanónica.” Revista Chilena de Literatura, no. 57. Coleman, Vera. “El huso en el centro del universo: el entrelazamiento cuántico en la poesía visual de Cecilia Vicuña.” Letras Femeninas, vol. 42 no. 1.
2015 Ariz Castillo, Yenny Karen. “Ecologia y literature en la poesía Chilena contemporánea: ‘Semi ya’, de Cecilia Vicuña, y ‘Cardosanto’, de Soledad Fariña.” Mitologías Hoy, vol. 12. Perich, Macarena. “Cecilia Vicuña with Camila Marambio.” The Miami Rail, Marzo 5. Lorca, Ornella. “El erotismo femenino y la construcción simbólica del cuerpo en Sabor a mí de Cecilia Vicuña.” Revista Internacional de Culturas y Literaturas, no. 17.
2014 Alvergue, José Felipe. “The Material Etymologies of Cecilia Vicuña Art, Sculpture, and Poetic Communities.” The Minnesota Review, no. 82. Alvergue, José Felipe. “Twentieth-Century Experiments in Form: A Critical Re-Reading of Cecilia Vicuña's Indigenism as Episteme.” Comparative Literature, vol. 66, no. 2. Amich, Candice. “From Precarity to Planetarity: Cecilia Vicuña’s Kon Kon.” The Global South, vol. 7, no. 2. “Artists for Democracy: El archivo de Cecilia Vicuña.”, Junio 2. “Artists for Democracy. El archivo de Cecilia Vicuña.” El Mostrador, Febrero 10. Zúñiga, Diego. “Zen surada.” Qué Pasa, Enero 29. Quezada, Lucy, and Francisco Villarroel. “A Conversation with Cecilia Vicuña.” Artishock, Enero 13.
2013 Ariz Castillo, Yenny. “Los Animales en la Wik'uña de Cecilia Vicuña: Figuras Opuestas y Complementarias.” La Palabra, vol. 23. Skinner, Jonathan. “Rajado: Word and Knot in Cecilia Vicuña’s Kon Kon,” Rattapallax, no. 21.
2012 Gamboa, Julieta. “Cecilia Vicuña. Trama y urdimbre de la palabra: el tejido / texto.” Revista de Literaturas Populares, Julio/Diciembre. Clark, Meredith G. “Warping the Word: The Technology of Weaving in the Poetry of Jorge Eduardo Eielson and Cecilia Vicuña.” Textile, vol. 10, no. 3.
2011 Phillips Brown, Julie. ““touch in transit”: Manifestation / Manifestación in Cecilia Vicuña’s cloud-net.” Contemporary Women's Writing, vol. 5 no. 3. Bennett, Tamryn. “The Kaleidoscope of Visual Poetry: New Approaches to Visual Literacy.” English in Australia, vol. 46, no. 3.
2008 Guerrero, Pedro Pablo. “El Libro Censurado de Cecilia Vicuña." Revista de Libros, El Mercurio, Enero 6, 2008.
2005 Lynd, Juliet. “Precarious Resistance: Weaving Opposition in the Poetry of Cecilia Vicuña.” PMLA, Octubre.
2002 de Zegher, Catherine. “The Inside is the Outside: The Relational as the (Feminine) Space of the Radical.” Invisible Culture, no. 4.
2000 Keefe Ugalde, Sharon. “Hilos y Palabras: Diseños de una Ginotradición (Rosario Castellanos, Pat Mora, y Cecilia Vicuña).” INTI, Primavera. Mena, Catalina. “Cecilia Vicuña, La Heroína de la Subjetividad.” Las Ultimas Noticias, Marzo 26. Zalaquett, Jose. “Semiya, Cecilia Vicuña, Año de Semillas.” Qué Pasa, Marzo 25. Rosenfeld, Daniela. “SEMI YA de Cecilia Vicuña.” El Mercurio, Marzo 25.
1999 Richard, Frances. “Cecilia Vicuña.” Artforum, Octubre. Sirmans, Franklin. “Cecilia Vicuña, Cloud-Net.” Time Out, Junio 24. Cotter, Holland. “ART IN REVIEW; Cecilia Vicuña – ‘Cloud-Net.’” The New York Times, Mayo 21. Feely, Paul. “Cecilia Vicuña, Dream Weaver.” New York Magazine, Mayo 10.
1990 Levin, Kim. “Cecilia Vicuña at Exit Art.” Village Voice, Mayo 9-15.
1988 Bianchi, Soledad. “Pasaron desde aquel ayer ya tantos años, o acerca de Cecilia Vicuña y la ‘Tribu No.’” Hispamérica, Diciembre. Paternoso, César. “Cecilia Vicuña.” Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, vol. 22, no. 39.
Grabaciones de Audio Publicadas
2022 Cecilia Vicuña & Ricardo Gallo, La niebla vital, Wiraquochan, 12” Vinyl, Hueso Records.
2012 Kuntur Ko: Poems & Chants by Cecilia Vicuña, LP Record, Torn Sound Records.
2004 the bright light of confusion & doubt: Cecilia Vicuña in performance: poetry & chants, sona sound.
Colecciones Públicas
Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA), Berkeley, CA
Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain de Lorraine, Metz, Francia
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile
Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Lima, Perú
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, España
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, San Diego, CA
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
The Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York, NY
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MAC, Santiago de Chile.
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Pérez Art Museum Miami, Miami, FL
Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, NJ
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Nueva York, NY
Tate, Londres, Reino Unido